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How To Create Your Ideal Workspace

What Does An Ideal Workspace Look Like? The most productive workspace is a space in which you feel comfortable and confident. These days, we demand everything from our workspaces: privacy, personality, hospitality, flexibility. We want sitting desks and standing desks, napping areas and play areas. Let's have a look at the main things to focus on so you're workspace can be a productive and inviting place to spend your time. (Working for you instead of against you)


The light intensity can affect your mood, so if you're looking for something more subtle and relaxed, try a desk lamp with softer lighting or a dimmer that can control brightness. Silence can be surprisingly distracting. Keep yourself focused and on task with some background music, white noise, or a soothing soundtrack.


Subtle scents set the mood for your spa-like office. Try calming scents, such as lavender, citrus, or sandalwood, or experiment with refreshing and invigorating scents, such as lemongrass and sweet basil. Utilize candles, plug-ins or electric scent machines for the best distribution of smells.


When adjusting your ergonomic chair for professional desk setup, it’s important to remember the following:

  • The ideal chair height is one where your thighs are parallel to the ground while sitting, and your knees are at a 90-degree angle.

  • Your elbows should form a 90-degree angle with your desktop or laptop so that you can type without affecting your wrist or arm muscles.

  • The top of the monitor screen should line up with your eyes when you’re sitting straight up in your chair.

  • Your monitor should also be at a distance where you can read without tilting your head or hunching forward.

  • A posture-effective chair will help you to sit up straight to prevent back and neck pain.

Don’t underestimate a good ergonomic office chair. Although an ergonomic office chair may not fit within everyone’s design aesthetic, once you sit and work in one, you’ll immediately feel the world of difference.


  1. Keep only the things you use daily within reach

  2. Store everything else off of your desk

  3. Keep personal decorations to a minimum

  4. Hide supplies and tools strategically behind your monitor or under your desk

  5. Clear cable clutter with ties and other tools


  1. Place a plant or fountain near your workspace.

  2. Diffuse calming oils to create balance.

  3. Keep your desk clutter-free.

  4. If your back faces the door or entrance of your cubicle, try placing a mirror at your desk, so you can at least see the entrance.

  5. Invest in a good chair.

  6. Facing your desk towards the back or sidewall helps you limit distractions by preventing window gazing or people-watching, but may cause you to feel a little claustrophobic by not being able to see out of the office.

Your workspace should be tailored to the way you work so the more positive the energy around you, the more inclined you are to be productive and creative.